Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Motivational Captions

Ok, so I recently joined Rachel's Haven, and they are doing a contest this month for motivational posters. I cranked out a few and thought I'd share them with you. Two of them are the same pic, but I couldn't decide which tagline I found funnier - let me know in the comments which one you like better.


Slutty Chrissy


  1. I like the first incarnation of the Mmpfhf! The bimbo one is totally awesome. I look forward to the contest even more knowing your captions are pitted against mine. Wuahahaha!

  2. Ah, Mei. I will destroy you!! Or, at the very least, dress you up in panties & have a pillow fight with you.


  3. These are great. I loved the "You're doing it right" one so much.

  4. I like the first incarnation of the Mmpfhf! The bimbo one is great
